Thursday, 15 November 2012

Updates on ENFJ Project

Honestly, I have always thought MBTI is just about the 4 letters of your type, but learning about the cognitive functions are definitely very important in knowing yourself and others.

It's all about learning how the lead ego dominant functions affects the 2-4 functions and the shadow ones.

I say it unabashedly, I feel like I have improved a lot in my insight to others. It would be cool to write you a comprehensive guide on how to deal with each temperament effectively and understand their underlying motivation if everything.

What I want to share seems to go beyond the scope of this blog. But I guess since I'm an ENFJ, whatever I write would fit the category. :D Joking.

Yes, I admit my updates have been slower than I expected. One reason why I have delayed a little because I have been reading on many materials (behavioral economics and more in depth about MBTI)

In any case, stay in tune because I won't abandon this blog bottom line. :)

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

ENFJ Project Upgrades

Many of you have messaged me how wonderful this ENFJ blog is, since there are so few ENFJ blogs out there. (ENFJs usually have a hard time sustain a blog, because we can abandon an idea quickly.)

I absolutely love this blog and see traffic moving in everyday. I have decided to upgrade the blog to , which should take a day or two.

For all those who are wondering how I'm doing, I'm doing great! I'm so excited about this blog and my other projects, (which I will tell you after the blog is upgraded =]

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

ENFJ President, Obama has won

Whether it's at your political interest, Obama has won again for another 4 years. He is often speculates as an ENFJ.

Fe Functions
As an ENFJ, Obama has been good at connecting with people with personal examples. He often would assure voters that he understands. He often would relate his story and observation of poverty, trying to resonate among the Americans. Remember has campaign slogan in 2008, "Yes, we can!" ENFJs are true masters when talking about the ability to make others feel good about themselves. In contrast, Mitt Romney's emphasis on his vision to change the system shows much of his ENTJ characters.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Our Nature to Help

ENFJ loves to help people. So as today when I volunteered at an event called media democracy day, which we watched together a film about Libya Citizen journalism.

It was a documentary on a 21 year old journalist who used the social media to help democratize Egypt from dictatorship and military regime.

I wonder if our media is doing the same thing to act as watchdog for exposing political dynamics, or if our media are following the agenda of a few powerful news corporation.

As for volunteering, I was so happy to help with filming, as well as being an usher. It was so fun guiding hundreds of people to their seats and helping them to locate facilities such as restroom. All in all, I love this kind of social life.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

INFP Week!

Post a question or comment if you are an INFP to help me with my ENFJ Project! You can Tweet me at #ENFJProject

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Poem, "If" by Rulyard Kipling

I have always loved this poem, and have shared with many friends from time to time. Personality types are not the only way to define a person, not wonder some are so repelled from these personality test. But if you use it well, it can be a good working framework for you to learn about yourself! All in all, to become a well established person is to respect yourself and stay balanced. Personality is about how we see the world and make decisions. But it's nothing without a clear goal or dream, a sense of purpose or aspiration.
Here's a poem by Rulyard Kipling on a famous poem called, "If"

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

ENFJ's As Dreamer

Last night when I was at my bed, I couldn't sleep but thinking about the possibility of operating these two blogs side-by-side. Of course I have also an aggressive plan on beginning my own media company in a year time.

You've probably have read from my twitter or elsewhere a quote I often repeats, "Know Your Gifts, Live Your Dream, Change the World". I was precisely thinking about it when I was calculating for my second blog. I've decided to give a try and commit on what I absolutely love, but never had the guts to. I remember someone said, all the things that you now see: inventions, technology, social institution, literally anything, are built by dreamers. But there are also two kinds of dreamers, one that leaves that dream and one that lives it.