Saturday 27 October 2012

ENFJ Project Vlog #1 What kind of extroverts are ENFJs?

ENFJ's Extroversion

It means more than speaking a lot, although I get this sometimes from friends. ENFJ's extroversion are tied to our strong feelings to others. In another word, we are always tuned to the people who are around us, their emotions. Someone said ENFJs are like an emotion barometer, meaning that if there's anyone upset in a group, they understand right away, and would try their best to change it! This is the good side of things and it definitely valuable in any groups. We would also mix our intuitive "guesses" to suppose people feel a certain way, so although highly accurate most of the time, our prediction on the implication of our friends' emotion can be wrong! To add, we are strong at teaching and socially graceful when we want to, and we will always be there, when you need us.

This extroverted spirit not only affects our friends, but also ourselves. We have so many hobbies, and so many thoughts, ideas; sometimes, it can be overwhelming to us and others. I have so many hobbies and focuses in life (well, I guess that also mean I'm not so focus!) I save the how it affects ourselves to the video.

YES, I almost felt like wanting to explain already each of the aspect of my personality at once, but I guess I will try to go more in depth on each one.

ENFJ stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judgement, which is often referred as Teacher or Giver.
Take the test here to find out your type!

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