Tuesday 6 November 2012

ENFJ President, Obama has won

Whether it's at your political interest, Obama has won again for another 4 years. He is often speculates as an ENFJ.

Fe Functions
As an ENFJ, Obama has been good at connecting with people with personal examples. He often would assure voters that he understands. He often would relate his story and observation of poverty, trying to resonate among the Americans. Remember has campaign slogan in 2008, "Yes, we can!" ENFJs are true masters when talking about the ability to make others feel good about themselves. In contrast, Mitt Romney's emphasis on his vision to change the system shows much of his ENTJ characters.

In Speech
Obama is charming in smile, and fluent in speech. (I try to be neutral, as I'm not an American after all; but you may know just who I favor =]) Ultimately, his speech, especially in 2008 gave out much hope for change in a heart warming way. As ENFJ, he knows how to make the audience feel that what he talks about is personally relevant. 

Non-Dominant Functions
To identify a type, we can also look at their non-dominant functions. Some may criticize Obama for his inability to fix the economy. While as an ENFJ, Obama made a good Diplomats, who can boost morales, and mourn for the loss, Obama seemed to be less powerful in his economic strategy (Te). 

God Bless America
Let's hope Obama's "change" policy would works so Americans with be left with more than just "change" in pocket.

MBTI's aside, lets wish him a good term.

Photos from USA Today

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